Downers Grove Friends Meeting

To Those Attending Our Meeting for the First Time.


Go in as soon as you are ready. Sit anywhere you
like. Meeting begins when the first worshipper takes
his or her place. It continues until the designated
person breaks the silence by a handshake.

Our Meeting is based on silent worship. It is
possible that no one will speak during the entire
meeting. Anyone is free to speak if he or she feels
moved to it by a leading from the Light within. Each
message will help someone, but our needs differ. If
the message does not "speak to your condition," try
to reach the spirit behind the words. We maintain
silence for at least a few minutes after vocal
ministry to give time for a message to reach a quiet

If new to the silence, you may find it disturbing and
yourself distracted by roving thoughts. Our
practice is not to worry about such distractions, but
to return again and again to the still center of our
being. We try, if only for an instant, to be quiet in
body, mind and spirit.

After Meeting visitors will be invited to introduce
themselves and sign our guest book.
After announcements, refreshments are served or
we share a common meal. You are WELCOME to
stay for these or any other activities.

Our Meeting - and most Friends groups -
is not "pushy" with visitors. If you want to learn
more about us, please feel free to ask.


Our Meeting is very loving with children.
We do not consider the "talk" of infants or their
feeding a distraction. If you choose, your infant
or older pre-school child may go to our nursery.
School-age children are welcome to visit our
First Day School classes.

During the school year the children go directly to
their classes. They join Meeting for the last few
minutes. During the summer they come into
Meeting for a few minutes, then go to class,
on nature walks, or other activities.

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